The day of bazaar

Thursday 8/31

Previous day

The girls studied under teacher D. Teacher D remarked on Mimi's great amount of rambling. The adults decoded some of her b words, buggy, ball, book, bubbles. Bitchbitch was a frequent sound, the adults have not decoded.

Mimi separated from tu tu. Backup tu tu blob did not satisfy.

Xiao E made art on paper and in hair.

To Redmond bazaar.

Located the bean fish ma ma dreamed for.

Ma ma's dream was quickly being devoured.

Ba ba distracted the girl wolves with quesadilla. Ma ma sneaked some bean fish for herself and ba ba.

Mimi went on hunger strike.

Mimi had no supporters.

Xiao E dined with attitude.

Lime was dessert.

Lime had companion.

Quessa was devoured.

With full tummies, on to next adventure.

Xiao E lead the way.

Mimi and ba ba backed her.

To fun.

The adults ran into Mr. G. His wife and son returned from Mexico, and marked the reappearance of Mr. G on the streets.
2 minutes later the adults ran into A & A. Ba ba had fun bickering.

Bazaar drew the crowd to RC. RTC was empty. Finally a chance to play with the things.

A baby Alaskan klee kai greeted the adults. A most precious puppy.
The adults wooed puppy. The girls spread the quan quan's far and wide.

A mandatory trip to boba. A dessert delivery to friends. Casually caught friends naked. Tired girls and an early night.

Next day


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