The day featuring special photographer

Fridy 8/18

The girls had teacher to themselves most of the day.

Teacher J told ma ma her tale of winning the girls over with bubbles. 

Mimi was converted to bubbles, book, ball, and no no. Xiao E stayed loyal to pao pao. Shu was sometimes bok, qiu qiu was sometimes ball. The ratio of noo to bu yao fluctuated. 

Xiao E was caught shuffling up the slide. Mimi was practicing lift flails with teacher F. Teacher used to be ballet teacher.

Xiao E shuffled down the slide and greeted ma ma. She quickly made her way to the door, looked left and right, and called for ba ba. Ba ba's far away heart tensed. 

Xiao E kissed teacher goodbye. Mimi presented teacher with butt. Teacher reminded her the diaper was recently changed. Ma ma regrettably admitted her lack of ballet skills.

The girls were happy to see ba ba and Lily jie jie on the lawn. 

They grew discontent with the fun-less home and dance-less ma ma.
Stationary ma ma was acceptable at one task.

Ba ba's roast pork and water cooked beef smelled terrific. 
It helped the girls consume quesadilla three days in a row.

Stool with fun decorations was still stool.

Augustine shared elixir with ba ba. Fun ba ba appeared.

Lily spotted indulged Mimi.

Augustine spotted deprived xiao E.

The girls thanked Listerine's company with sour faces and enthusiastic byes.

Company left, decency left.

She was free.


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